- All matches are played in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Scottish Football Association, the Scottish Premier League, The Scottish Football League, and the Scottish Lowland Football League.
- Play is not guaranteed to take place on any particular day or at any particular time. The Club with agreement of the Scottish Professional Football League may change its advertised fixtures without prior notice and without liability
- All supporters entering Meadowbank Stadium must pay for admission in accordance to advertised conditions and rates including season tickets and concessions.
- Unauthorised persons are not permitted to enter upon the field of play. All persons are required to keep off the playing surface and stay on the spectator side of the park barriers.
- Only persons specifically authorised by the Club are permitted to offer match programmes, food, beverages or any other articles or substances for sale in the Stadium.
- The Smoking, Health and Social Care (Scotland) Act 2005 and the Prohibition of Smoking in Certain Premises (Scotland) Regulations 2006 state that no smoking is allowed in premises that are wholly or substantially enclosed. Smoking in no-smoking areas is strictly forbidden. This includes all enclosed buildings within the stadium, including the spectator stand. Those who do not comply with the smoking policy will be liable to a fixed penalty fine and/or criminal prosecution.
- Nobody may stand in any seating area within the stand whilst play is in progress. Persistent standing in seated areas whilst play is in progress is strictly forbidden and may result in ejection from the Stadium.
- The obstruction of gangways, access ways, exits and entrances, stairways and like places is strictly forbidden. Nobody entering the Stadium shall be permitted to climb any structures within the Stadium.
- Mobile telephones and other communications devices are permitted within the Stadium provided that they are used for personal and private use only.
- The use of foul or abusive language; racist, discriminatory or sectarian remarks, songs or chants; and the promotion or endorsement of any political organisation are not permitted within Meadowbank Stadium or the surrounding areas. Edinburgh City have a separate Anti Discrimination Policy.
- Please note it is an offence punishable by law for any person to enter or attempt to enter the Stadium:
- Whilst in possession of a prohibited container which is capable of containing liquid and which if thrown would be capable of causing injury to another person
- Whilst in possession of alcohol
- Whilst drunk
- Whilst in position, or under the influence, of any illegal substances
Whilst in possession of any article or substance whose main purpose is the emission of a flare for purposes of illuminating or signalling or the emission of smoke or a visible gas or any article which is a firework and all persons entering the Stadium may be searched by the Club Stewards.
- Articles which could, or might be used as a weapon, or to cause offence, or which are regarded by the Club or the Police as dangerous or unsafe are not permitted within the Stadium. This includes items such as knives, fireworks, smoke canisters, air-horns, flares, weapons, dangerous or hazardous items, laser devices, bottles, glass vessels, cans, poles and any article that might be used as a weapon and/or compromise public safety. Any person in possession of such items will be refused entry to the Stadium, or if found within the Stadium they will be asked to leave.
- All persons entering the Stadium may be required to submit to search by stewards to prevent prohibited articles which might be used to cause injury or damage other persons or property being brought into the Stadium.
- The throwing of any objects whether on to the pitch, or surrounding area, or otherwise, is not permitted.
- Persons use the car parking facilities at the Stadium entirely at their own risk in respect of their persons, the vehicle and any personal property left therein. The Club will not accept responsibility for any damage, accidents or losses.
- Persons using the car parking facilities are reminded to park in a respectful manner and be mindful of other vehicles.
- Spectators are required to exit the Stadium in an orderly manner as soon as practicably possible after the end of each game.
- In the event of an emergency within the Stadium instructions on any necessary course of action will be announced over the Club public address system. Spectators must follow the advice given in such announcements, or directions given by Club Stewards. Edinburgh City have separate Contingency Plan, document.
- At all times, the right of admission is reserved by the Club.
- All persons entering this Stadium are admitted subject to these Stadium Regulations and to the applicable Rules and Regulations of Scottish Football Association, the Scottish Premier League, The Scottish Football League, and the Scottish Lowland Football League.
- The Club reserves the right for its servants, stewards, and agents, and for members of the police force to remove from the Stadium any person who does not comply with Stadium regulations and with the rules and regulations of Scottish Football Association, the Scottish Premier League, The Scottish Football League, and the Scottish Lowland Football League, or whose presence in the Stadium is or could reasonably be construed as constituting a source of danger, nuisance or annoyance to other spectators.
Any breach of Stadium Regulations may result in ejection or action by the Police
Reviewed 6th April 2024
Edinburgh City condemns and will not tolerate unacceptable conduct at Meadowbank Stadium or at away football stadia.
The Rules of the Scottish Professional Football League provide that Unacceptable Conduct is conduct which is violent or disorderly.
Violent conduct includes any actual, attempted or threatened physical violence against any person, or intentional damage to property.
Disorderly conduct includes:
- Conduct which stirs up or sustains, or is likely or is designed to stir up or sustain, hatred or ill will against or towards individuals or groups of people based on their membership or presumed membership of the following categories:
- Gender, colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origin
- Membership or presumed membership, of a religious group or of a social or cultural group with perceived religious affiliation
- Sexual orientation
- Transgender identity
- Disability
- or against an individual who is or is presumed to be a member of such group.
- Using threatening, abusive or insulting words or conduct.
- Displaying writing or any other thing which is threatening, abusive or insulting.
- Using words or conduct or displaying any writing or other thing which indicates support for, or affiliation to, or celebration of, or opposition to an organisation or group proscribed in terms of the Terrorism Act 2000.
“Presumed” means presumed by the person or persons engaged in the conduct.
“Religious group” means a group of persons defined by reference to their religious belief or lack of religious belief, membership of or adherence to a church or religious organisation, support for the culture and traditions of a church or religious organisation and/or participation in activities associated with such a culture or such traditions.
“Transgender identity” means any one or more of transvestism, transsexualism, inter-sexuality or change of gender.
“Disability” means a person is considered disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term negative effect on their ability to do normal day to day activities.
The rules of the Scottish FA define Unacceptable Conduct in a similar way, adding a specific reference to encroachment onto the pitch or pitch-side area and possession or use of pyrotechnic devices.
UEFA disciplinary regulations also specify the following conduct, which is prohibited under those regulations and would be considered to be Unacceptable Conduct:
- Racism or other discriminatory conduct;
- Use of gestures, words, objects or any other means to transmit a provocative message that is not fit for a sports event, particularly provocative messages that are of a political, ideological, religious, offensive or provocative nature;
- Invasion or attempted invasion of the field of play;
- Throwing of objects;
- Lighting of fireworks or other objects;
- Use of laser pointers or other similar electronic devices;
- Acts of damage;
- Any disruption of national anthems; and/or
- Any other lack of order or discipline inside or around the stadium.
A person at a stadium when a match involving Edinburgh City engages in Unacceptable Conduct where their conduct is violent and/or disorderly, as described above. Please note that the regulations of the Scottish football authorities do not define “violent” or “disorderly” exhaustively. The type of behaviour that may be considered to constitute Unacceptable Conduct is wide and may include singing songs or chants, and displaying banners and flags, if the message breaches the rules summarised above, or entry or encroachment onto the pitch, throwing objects, damaging seats or other parts of the stadium or the possession or use of pyrotechnics or fireworks of any kind.
Please also refer to the ground regulations applicable at the stadium in question as failure to comply with the ground regulations may also be considered to be Unacceptable Conduct.
- Removal from the stadium;
- Suspension from attending Official Matches involving Edinburgh City;
- Indefinite ban from attending Official Matches involving Edinburgh City; and/or
- Report to the police and possible criminal proceedings
Entry to Stadia – Searching
All persons either seeking entry to or whilst in the stadium are subject to the condition that they may be required to submit to search. Bags will be searched before entry is permitted; please avoid bringing bags wherever possible. If it is suspected that a person seeking entry to or within the stadium may possess any flag(s), banner(s) and the like which may contain offensive or otherwise unacceptable material and/or flares, fireworks, devices capable of emitting smoke or the like and/or any other object which may cause or be part of any incident of Unacceptable Conduct then that person shall be requested to be searched. Any such items identified shall be confiscated and delivered to the police.
Any person having any such any items in their possession or any person refusing to be searched shall not be admitted to the ground and any the season ticket or ticket held by him/her shall be liable to be confiscated without compensation and he/she shall be liable to such other proportionate sanction(s) as the Club may determine.
Reviewed April 2024
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy
The purpose of this Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy is to ensure that Edinburgh City complies with the requirements and principles of The Equality Act 2010 and Part 2, Section 8.19 of the Scottish FA’s National Club Licensing criteria in relation to Diversity and Inclusion. This policy will be applied fairly, equally and consistently to all persons, irrespective of age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation (known collectively as the protected characteristics). This policy is applicable to all staff (paid and unpaid) of Edinburgh City and all other persons who are involved in a professional or commercial capacity with the Club.
Principles of Policy
Edinburgh City is an equal opportunities Club and is committed to addressing inequalities, promoting diversity and preventing discrimination. The Club also shares the overall vision of Football Unites; The Scottish FA’s Equality Framework for “Scottish football to be representative and reflective of the demographic of Scotland at all levels”.
Equality of opportunity at Edinburgh City means that in all our activities we will not discriminate or in any way treat anyone less favourably on grounds of age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. Furthermore, the Club will adopt a zero tolerance approach to harassment and unfair treatment and will work to ensure that any such behaviour is met with appropriate action. The Club also operates in partnership with Edinburgh Leisure and Police Scotland in respect of all aspects of crowd management and behaviour at Meadowbank Stadium and the prevention of, or response to, discriminatory behaviour and/or harassment is constantly addressed.
Policy Implementation
The Club has published this policy on its website and will seek to influence commercial partners, suppliers and others in the wider football community by sharing its commitment to address inequality, promote diversity and prevent discrimination. Among examples of work undertaken to date by the Club in this policy area are its support for Stonewall’s Rainbow Laces campaign and Show Racism The Red Card’s Fortnight of Action 2020 along with the establishment of a Women’s team which participates in the Scottish Women’s Football Championship South. The Club has also set responsibility for this policy at Board level and the development of activities aimed at addressing inequalities, promoting diversity and preventing discrimination is included in the Chairman’s job description.
Where a person has reason to complain to the Club about discriminatory behaviour, harassment or unfair treatment the matter will be responded to and investigated in accordance with the Customer Charter. Edinburgh City can be contacted at E: or T: 0131 210 0478.
An intervention appropriate to the circumstances may be implemented on a matchday through direct contact with a Club steward. Outside a matchday, a more considered and methodical approach will be adopted, as any such investigation will require detailed research and evidence-gathering. While the timescales to complete the Club’s response may be significantly greater any investigation will always be completed as quickly as possible in order to maintain confidence in the complaints process. At the culmination of any such investigation, information may be forwarded to Police Scotland for their attention if it is considered relevant.
Any internal Club complaint should be reported to the Chairman and will be investigated in accordance with the Club’s existing HR policies. The complainant’s identity will be protected using the Club’s internal complaints and discipline procedure.
Document Control
This policy will be reviewed and updated annually by the Club and more frequently if required. The Chairman will ensure this document is available to all Club staff.
Version 1 – 21/12/2020 – Draft policy for adoption by Board
Version 2 – 05/07/2021 – Final policy agreed by Board and published on Club website
Version 3 – 28/07/2023 – Policy reviewed and updated by the Board
Version 4 – 06/04/2024 – Policy Reviewed and updated by the Board
Club Code of Conduct
Fair Play
Conduct according to the spirit of Fair Play is essential for the successful promotion and development of and involvement in sport. The objective of Fair Play is to foster a sporting spirit, as well as the sporting behaviour of coaches, players, team officials and spectators, thereby increasing the enjoyment of all those involved in the game.
Code of Conduct for Edinburgh City Coaches
1. Coaches are key to the establishment of ethics in football. Their concept of ethics and their attitude directly affects the behaviour of players under their supervision. Coaches are, therefore expected to pay particular care to the moral aspect of their conduct. Coaches have to be aware that almost all of their everyday decisions and choices of actions, as well as strategic targets, have ethical implications. It is natural that winning constitutes a basic concern for coaches. This code is not intended to conflict with that. However, the code calls for coaches to dissociate themselves from a “win-at-all-costs” attitude.
1.1. Coaches must respect the rights, dignity and worth of each and every person and treat each equally within the context of the sport.
1.2. Coaches must place the well-being and safety of each player above all other considerations, including the development of performance.
1.3. Coaches must adhere to all guidelines laid down by governing bodies.
1.4. Coaches must develop an appropriate working relationship with each player based on mutual trust and respect.
1.5. Coaches must not exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward.
1.6. Coaches must encourage and guide players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance.
1.7. Coaches must ensure that the activities they direct or advocate are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of players.
1.8 Coaches should, at the outset, clarify with the players exactly what is expected of them and also what they are entitled to expect from their coach.
1.9. Coaches must co-operate fully with other specialists (e.g. other coaches, officials, sports scientists, doctors, physiotherapists) in the best interests of the player.
1.10. Coaches must always promote the positive aspects of the sport (e.g. fair play) and never condone violations of the Laws of the Game, behaviour contrary to the spirit of the Laws of the Game or relevant rules and regulations or the use of prohibited substances or techniques.
1.11. Coaches must consistently display high standards of behaviour and appearance.
1.12. Coaches must not use or tolerate inappropriate language.
1.13. Coaches must promote and encourage, particularly to young players, the importance of a healthy lifestyle and diet.
1.14. Coaches must provide guidance and support to players on the dangers of drug abuse.
1.15. Coaches must adhere to the terms of the Club’s Policy on Anti-Discrimination.
Edinburgh City Players –
Obligations towards the game
An F.C. Edinburgh player should:
2.1.1. Make every effort to develop their own sporting abilities, in terms of skill, technique, tactics and stamina.
2.1.2. Make every effort to lead a healthy lifestyle which will include an appropriate diet and an avoidance of recreational or performance enhancing drugs.
2.1.3. Give maximum effort and strive for the best possible performance during a game, even if his team is in a position where the desired result has already been achieved.
2.1.4. Set a positive example for others, particularly young players and supporters.
2.1.5. Avoid all forms of gamesmanship and time-wasting.
2.1.6. Always have regard for the best interests of the game, including where publicly expressing an opinion on the game and any particular aspect of it, including others involved in the game.
2.1.7. Not use inappropriate language.
Obligations towards one’s own team
An Edinburgh City player should:
2.2.1. Make every effort consistent with Fair Play and the Laws of the Game to help his own team win.
2.2.2. Resist any influence that might, or might be seen to, bring into question his commitment to the team winning.
Respect for the Laws of the Game and competition rules
2.3.1. Know and abide by the Laws, rules and spirit of the game, and the competition rules.
2.3.2. Accept success and failure, victory and defeat with an equal measure of dignity.
2.3.3. Resist any temptation to take banned substances or use banned techniques.
Respect towards Opponents
An Edinburgh City player should:
2.4.1. Treat opponents with due respect at all times, irrespective of the result of the game.
2.4.2. Safeguard the physical fitness of opponents, avoid violence and rough play, and help injured opponents.
Respect towards the Match officials
2.5.1. Accept the decision of the Match Official without protest.
2.5.2. Avoid words or actions which may mislead a Match Official.
2.5.3. Show due respect towards Match Officials.
Respect towards Edinburgh City team officials
An Edinburgh City player should:
2.6.1. Abide by the instructions of their Coach and Edinburgh City team officials, provided they do not contradict the spirit of this Code.
2.6.2. Show due respect towards the team officials of the opposition.
Obligations towards the Supporters
An Edinburgh City player should:
2.7.1. Show due respect to the interests of supporters.
General Obligations
An Edinburgh City player should:
2.8.1. Adhere to the terms of the Club’s Policy on Anti-Discrimination.
Code of Conduct for Edinburgh City Officials
While this Code applies in general to club officials, some items may not be relevant to all officials.
Obligations towards the Game
An Edinburgh City official should:
3.1.1. Set a positive example for others, particularly young players and supporters.
3.1.2. Promote and develop their own team having regard to the interest of the Players, Supporters and reputation of the national game.
3.1.3. Share knowledge and experience when invited to do so, taking into account the interest of the body that has requested this rather than personal interests.
3.1.4. Avoid all forms of gamesmanship.
3.1.5. Show due respect to Match Officials and others involved in the game.
3.1.6. Always have regard for the best interests of the game, including where publicly expressing an opinion of the game and any particular aspect of it, including others involved in the game.
3.1.7. Not use or tolerate inappropriate language.
Obligations towards the Team
An Edinburgh City official should:
3.2.1. Make every effort to develop the sporting, technical and tactical levels of the club and the team, and to obtain the best results for the team, using all permitted means.
3.2.2. Give priority to the interests of the team over individual interests.
3.2.3. Resist all illegal or unsporting influences, including banned substances and techniques.
3.2.4. Promote ethical principles.
3.2.5. Show due respect for the interests of the players, coaches and officials of their own club and team, and those of others.
Obligations towards the Supporters
An Edinburgh City official should:
3.3.1. Show due respect for the interests of supporters.
Respect towards the Match Officials
An Edinburgh City official should:
3.4.1. Accept the decisions of the Match Official without protest.
3.4.2. Avoid words or actions that may mislead a Match Official.
3.4.3. Show due respect towards Match Officials.
General Obligations
An Edinburgh City official should:
3.5.1. Adhere to the terms of the Club’s Policy on Anti-Discrimination.
Code of Conduct for Edinburgh City Supporters
Once our club has addressed the conduct of its coaches, players and officials, it will be in a position to set an appropriate example to its supporters in terms of their behaviour.
The crowd is considered to be an integral component of a football game. The support of the fans contributes to the success of the team, and the crowd is not expected to watch the game in silence. Encouragement of the teams by shouting, non-abusive singing, etc. will have a positive influence on the atmosphere in accordance with the spirit of Fair Play.
Spectators are, however, expected to show proper respect to our opponents and to the referee and match officials. They should appreciate the performance and effort of the opposition regardless of the result of the match. They should at no time before, during or after the match abuse, intimidate or attack verbally or physically opponents, match officials, opposing supporters or the players, managers and officials of Edinburgh City.
Spectators are required to comply with the law, and the ground regulations of our home stadium and the grounds which we visit. Abuse, threats, sectarian or other offensive or inflammatory behaviour are not acceptable; similarly, missiles, flares, smoke bombs and other pyrotechnics, and offensive banners, shirts, badges and so on are forbidden.
At all times the supporters will be encouraged to comply with the club’s position on Discrimination and Unacceptable Conduct.
Use of drums and other such noise-making equipment, including megaphones, is not permitted at matches played after 18:00. Such items will not be permitted entrance to the ground, and any individuals found inside the ground with said items may have them confiscated or asked to leave.
Reviewed April 2024
Customer Charter
The recommendations of the Scottish Football Association are for all member clubs to produce and maintain a Customer Charter, designed to improve standards of customer relations between each Football Club and their supporters.
The Edinburgh City Customer Charter policy was implemented by the Committee at the Clubrooms, Baxter’s Place, in September 2013. Responsibility for responding to complaints and suggestions raised by supporters has become the brief of the Club Chairman and his nominated deputy.
The Club’s intention is that any contact made shall be dealt with within fourteen days. We recommend that if you do not at least get an acknowledgement within fourteen calendar days, you chase for a response and cite the Customer Charter target response time in your second communication.
The Club will hold a meeting with supporters on request, roughly on a two-monthly basis, which includes Supporters’ Group Representatives elected by the fans. If you have an issue which you believe requires significant discussion, or if you do not feel that your complaint or suggestion has received an adequate or timely response under Customer Charter guidelines, you are fully entitled to request that the issue is submitted to the Committee.
A copy of this Charter will be present on the Club’s official website at all times. Should there be any discrepancies between this written copy and that shown on the official website, please let us know and we will resolve the matter.
While many of the following points may be of little relevance to the Club as it is at the time the Charter was formulated, we include them so that we can establish an acceptable continuity and consistency when the Club progresses to a higher status.
“The Club” refers to the senior football side of Edinburgh City. It does not include the social club known as Edinburgh City Football Club Limited.
Staff Conduct
The Club believes:
- Customer care starts from within the organisation, with a good staff team and work ethic.
- If a Customer has to wait for a matter to be resolved, he or she should be kept up to date with progress reports.
- Staff should remain courteous even in difficult situations.
- The Club and its staff will be aware that they are offering a service and will be keen to retain that Customer.
- Every conversation should be ended on a positive note.
- That no problem is so big that we cannot solve it together.
- It is important to realise, when offering a service, that people come first.
- That the key to Customer satisfaction is to know your job and to respect the Customer’s rights and feelings.
- That, while paying due regard to feasibility, good faith and the dignity of the staff member, the Customer deserves the staff member’s full attention and is entitled to be satisfied with his treatment.
- A member of Club staff who cares about his or her job will care about our Customers.
- A Customer should receive the same treatment our staff members would wish to receive themselves.
- For the satisfaction of the Club, the Staff member and the Customer, it is always desirable that the Customer ends any transaction with something positive to say about the Club.
Consultation and Information
- The Club will formally consult supporters on a regular basis through public meetings organised by the Committee, and through fans’ forums, supporters’ club sessions and feedback via the Club’s official website.
- The Club will publicise its position on major policy issues in a user-friendly manner via the official matchday programme, the official website and any other specialist or general publications or social networking methods which it is thought reasonable to employ.
- The Club will continue to develop ways of consulting with sponsors, season ticket holders and other stakeholders.
- The Club will give the earliest possible public notice of any changes to its ticketing policy, and the reasons for any such changes.
- The Club will undertake research on the design and the number of new matchday kits and any other key branding decisions.
- The Club will strive to widen the attraction of its home matches by offering a broad range of ticket prices.
- The Club will operate a Season Ticket Discount Scheme to enable regular supporters to have first refusal on the choice of seat for all League and Cup matches played at its home ground.
- At least five per cent of tickets to each game will be made available to non-Season Ticket holders.
- Concessionary prices are available to juveniles & senior citizens. Personal assistants of supporters who are disabled are entitled to a complimentary personal assistant ticket.
- The definition of a juvenile or a senior citizen will be at the discretion of the Committee.
- At the Committee’s discretion, concessionary prices may be made available to other categories such as non-juveniles in full time education.
Away Matches
Where the Club’s supporters are allocated tickets for away matches (including those played at a neutral venue), if the demand is likely to exceed the allocation received, the Club will give priority to Season Ticket holders and Supporter representatives on the Club Committee.
Cup Competitions
- Tickets and admission prices for Cup competitions will be priced at normal League admission prices unless required by Cup competition rules, when the price will be agreed with the visiting club.
- Season Ticket holders can claim their allocated seat during a priority sales period.
Returns and Refunds
- Supporters are not entitled to return tickets for a refund.
- Any unwanted tickets – for instance, tickets for Cup competitions unclaimed by Season Ticket holders – will go on sale to the public after the priority sales period has ended.
- For each match in which tickets are on sale, all the relevant sales times shall be advertised by the normal methods.
- If a match is cancelled after spectators have been admitted to the ground but before the match has kicked off, ticket holders and other spectators who have entered the ground will be offered free admission to the rearranged game.
- If a match has kicked off but is abandoned before the second half has started, spectators will be offered admission to the rearranged game for fifty per cent of the admission price they paid to attend the original fixture.
- The Club will not, except at the discretion of the Committee and subject to the rules of the League or Cup Competition, refund travelling costs if a match is cancelled or abandoned.
Away Supporters
- The Club will abide by Scottish Football Association regulations governing the allocation of tickets to visiting clubs.
- The Club will not charge admission prices or pre-booking fees to supporters of a visiting club which are higher than those charged to our own supporters for comparable facilities at the ground of the visiting club.
- In particular, pre-booking concessionary rates offered to juvenile, senior citizen, disabled supporters and carers of disabled supporters apply to supporters of a visiting club.
Membership Scheme
If and when Edinburgh City inaugurates a Membership Scheme, the following benefits will be provided:
- Money raised through Membership Schemes will be invested into the F.C. Edinburgh senior football sides and associated youth sides, allowing members to contribute to the success of the team, youth development and the maintenance and continued improvement of the home stadium.
- Priority allocation of tickets for all home League, Cup, play-off and friendly matches.
- Priority allocation for away matches.
- No booking fees payable on pre-match ticket ordering.
- Away travel booking service.
- The Club colours are white and black, and the Committee will have discretion to change these colours only where a clear majority of the supporters wish to do so.
- The Club will endeavour to ensure that all replica strip designs will have a minimum lifespan of one season.
- The Club will provide supporters with information on replica strip launch dates.
- The Club will carry out its obligations under Scottish Football Association Regulations to prevent price fixing in relation to the sale of replica strips.
- The Club offers refunds on merchandise sales in accordance with its obligations under the Sale of Goods Act.
Anti-Discrimination Policy
General Policy:
- The Club will continue to work alongside and with supporters to eliminate discrimination on the basis of race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion or faith, disability, sex and sexual orientation.
- Edinburgh City does not condone any sexually or racially based harassment or other discriminatory behaviour, whether physical, verbal, written or transmitted by electronic means, and will work with the authorities and with others to ensure that such behaviour is met with the appropriate action in whatever context it appears.
- Edinburgh City supports the Scottish Football Association and other football authorities in their commitment to develop ongoing training and activities to raise awareness in order to promote the eradication of discrimination.
- Edinburgh City does not condone the use of racist, sectarian, homophobic or other discriminatory language or behaviour inside or outside the home ground.
- Whether home or visiting supporters are responsible, the Club seeks to eliminate unacceptable and anti-social behaviour. Any person using such language or behaviour may be liable for arrest and consequent prosecution, and may be banned from attending home matches.
Tackling Racism in Professional Football
The Club recognises that Professional football has made significant attempts to tackle the issues of racism in recent years. The governing bodies have committed themselves to the campaign and have been keen to spread the message through their members.
Nine-Point Plan and Ongoing Campaign
- The Club has issued a statement stating that they will not tolerate racism, specifying the action it will take against racist chanting. These objectives will from time to time be printed in the official matchday programme and displayed round the ground as part of an ongoing campaign.
- The Club will use public address announcements to condemn racist chanting as part of the campaign.
- The Club will strive especially to ensure that Season Ticket holders do not take part in racist abuse.
- The Club will take action to prevent the sale of racist literature both inside and around the ground.
- The Club will take disciplinary action against players who engage in racist abuse.
- The Club will contact other clubs as required and, when asked to do so, ensure that they understand the Club’s policy on racism.
- The Club encourages a common strategy between all staff, stewards and police for dealing with racist abuse.
- The Club removes racist graffiti from the ground as a matter of course.
- The Club adopts an equal opportunities policy in relation to employment and service provision.
Equal Opportunities Policy
General Policy:
- Edinburgh City is an equal opportunities employer.
- The Club is committed to equality of opportunity within its organisation and encourages a similar commitment from organisations with which we have contact, either through our business or socially.
- Equality of opportunity at Edinburgh City means that we will not discriminate against or in any way treat less favourably, any persons on ground of race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion, disability, sex or sexual orientation in any of our activities.
- The above statement must be modified by the fact that Edinburgh City is an adult male football club and that under the current regulations of the Scottish Football Association women cannot be members of the playing staff.
“Activities” include:
- The advertisement of jobs
- The selection of candidates for employment or promotion
- Job location or working environment
- Pay and employment terms and conditions
- Internal and external training opportunities and awards
The Club provides:
- A ‘no smoking’ policy within the ground
- Support for disabled spectators and their carers in designated areas
Disability Discrimination Policy
Edinburgh City is a member of the Scottish Professional Football League and plays its home matches at Meadowbank Stadium, Edinburgh.
Edinburgh City fully supports the principle of equal opportunities in employment and opposes all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of disability. No applicant, employee or volunteer shall receive less favourable treatment because of disability.
It is in the interest of Edinburgh City and those who work or volunteer for it to ensure that all available human resource talents and skills are considered when employment opportunities or roles arise. As such, Edinburgh City is committed to maintaining and managing a diverse group of people to be involved with the Club.
This policy is applicable to all staff, volunteers, contract workers, spectators and guests of the Club on all premises and places of work occupied by the Club.
The purpose of this policy it to ensure that Edinburgh City complies with the Equality Act 2010 and to ensure that people who are disabled falling within the scope of the Act are treated equally and fairly.
In line with the Equality Act 2010, in this policy:
- Disability refers to a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
- Disabled Person refers to a person with such a disability.
- Discrimination refers to treating someone with a disability less favourably than he treats others whom have no disability, and that treatment cannot be shown to be justified in relation to the activities or circumstances involved.
Club Policy covering Part III (The Code of Practice on Services) of the Equality Act 2010
The Club is committed to ensuring that its supporters who are disabled and customers have as full access as is reasonably possible to make to all goods, services and facilities provided or offered to the public by the Club.
The Club has ensured that the needs of supporters who are disabled have been taken account wherever practicable.
The Club recognises that not all of its facilities may be fully accessible to its customers who are disabled and confirms that it is committed to making or negotiating with Spartans Football Club for the necessary reasonable adjustments described by the Equality Act 2010 and its relevant Codes of Practice to ensure full compliance with the legislation. The Club in conjunction with Edinburgh Leisure will undertake such additional works as are reasonably required within the timescales set out in the Act.
The Club has a grievance procedure in place and guarantees to its supporters who are disabled and customers that any complaints of discrimination will be dealt with quickly under that procedure. The Club has advised its staff/volunteers that any incident of discrimination under the provisions of the Act is a serious matter and will be dealt with by the Board of Directors under the Club’s disciplinary procedures.
When considering persons for employment or volunteer roles, Edinburgh City will not discriminate against a disabled person:
- In the arrangements made for the purpose of determining whom employment should be offered to.
- In the terms under which employment is offered.
- In deliberately refusing to offer or not offering employment to someone based on their disability.
- In the opportunities afforded to a person (i.e. training, promotions or any other work benefit).
- In dismissing someone or subjecting them to any detriment based on their disability.
Document Control
Mandatory Review Date (To be reviewed and published annually).
Reviewed April 2024 – Amendments reflecting 2024 CLub Licensing Audit
Reviewed 28/07/2023 – Amendments reflecting 2023 Club Licensing Audit
Reviewed 02/09/20 – Amendments reflecting 2020 Club Licensing Audit
Reviewed 18/11/2019 – Amendments reflecting the Equality Act 2010
Reviewed 15/05/2017 – Amendments to reflect change of Club Ground
Reviewed 16/05/2015 – Minor Amendments
Disability Access Officer:
Andy Kelly
Welcome to Edinburgh City; as a club we have made great strides since joining the SPFL to develop itself of and off the field. Part of this on-going strategy is to make the club as safe and welcoming an environment as possible. Accordingly I would like to introduce you to our Child Wellbeing & Protection Polices, which in accordance with relevant national and international guidance and legislation, outline our service levels for ensuring that the interests and wellbeing of children are at the forefront of the club’s mindset whenever children are under our care. Ultimately we want every child who visits Edinburgh City, whether on a matchday, training night or social event to have a positive experience. It is therefore paramount that the club has in place correctly trained, competent personnel and robust procedures in order to deliver this strategy. The following procedures will, with the cooperation of parents and guardians, ensure that we deliver the required approach to children and young people.
Yours sincerely,
John Dickson
Chairman, Edinburgh City Football Club